报告题目:Brokers and Guilds in Late Imperial China
报告人:吉浦罗(François Gipouloux)教授
时 间:2019年4月2日下午15:00-17:00
地 点:人文学院南光一101室
报告人介绍:吉浦罗(François Gipouloux)教授,法国人,法国国家科学研究院(CNRS)主任、法国社会科学高等研究院(EHESS)研究员。先后求学于巴黎第七大学、北京语言学院(1975)、北京大学(1976-1977),1981年获得法国社会科学高等研究院博士学位。其主要研究领域是中国城市化的发展动态、13至19世纪欧洲和亚洲经济与商业的比较研究。曾发表过多部有关中国经济研究、亚洲区域整合研究等方面的专著以及相关学术论文数十篇,代表作为《亚洲的地中海》。吉浦罗教授曾任法国驻华大使馆商务副参赞、外交部顾问,并主持法国国家科学研究院、国家研究署(ANR)和欧盟的多项重大科研项目。2017年被授予法国荣誉军团骑士勋章。
讲座概要:The vitality of the market economy that characterized the end of the Ming Dynasty, the heterogeneity of markets and business practices, the evolution of the itinerant merchant (xing shang, 行商) to a sedentary merchant (zuo gu, 坐贾), the formation of associations beyond the framework of local compatriotism (tong xiang, 同鄉) opens up a space for a particular expertise, that of the intermediaries. To connect producers and markets, buyers and sellers, to secure transactions, to prevent the spread of risks, two institutions stand out, whose relations are often marked by cooperation and rivalries: brokerage agencies (yahang, 牙行) , and the guilds or more precisely the associations of merchants (huiguan, 會館). This paper will examine the field of expertise, the internal organisation, and the operating mode of these institutions and the role they played in late imperial China maritime trade. It will also analyse the kind of particular relations, dominated by either cooperation or conflict brokers and guilds cultivate with the local bureaucracy.