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A Companion to Chinese History《中國史研究便覽》
  发布时间: 2017-01-05   信息员:   浏览次数: 310

Title:A Companion to Chinese History

Editor :Michael Szonyi


ISBN: 978-1-118-62460-9

480 pages

Date published:December 2016


A Companion to Chinese History is a collection of essays offering a comprehensive overview of the latest intellectual developments in the study of China's history from the ancient past up until the present day. Offering cutting-edge scholarship of top historians from China and around the globe, essays address the current state of the field of Chinese history, including recent developments and future directions.

Table of Contents

Notes on Contributors x

Acknowledgments xv

1 Introduction 1

Michael Szonyi

Part I States of the Field 9

2 How Do We Know What We Know about Chinese History? 11

Endymion Wilkinson

3 Chinese History in China: The State of the Field (1980s–2010s) 28

May‐bo Ching

4 Chinese History in Japan: The State of the Field 44

Shiba Yoshinobu

5 Chinese History in Europe: The State of the Field 53

Harriet Zurndorfer

6 Chinese History in the Era of the China Dream 64

Geremie R. Barmé and Michael Szonyi

7 Chinese History in World History 71

Gregory Blue

Part II Chronologies 87

8 Early China in Eurasian History 89

Michael Puett

9 Was Medieval China Medieval? (Post‐Han to Mid‐Tang) 106

Charles Holcombe

10 A Tang–Song Turning Point 118

Nicolas Tackett

11 Periods of Non-Han Rule 129

Michal Biran

12 Song to Qing: Late Imperial or Early Modern? 143

R. Kent Guy

13 Nineteenth‐Century China: The Evolution of American Historical Approaches 154

Paul A. Cohen

14 Republican History 168

Janet Y. Chen

15 Rethinking the History of Maoist China 179

S.A. Smith

16 The Reform Era as History 191

Timothy Cheek

Part III Themes and Approaches 205

17 Women, Gender, the Family, and Sexuality 207

Weijing Lu

18 History of Premodern Chinese Literature 221

Graham Sanders

19 Modern Chinese Literature 235

David Der‐wei Wang

20 The Environmental History of China: Past, Present, and Future 252

Peter C. Perdue

21 Science, Technology, and Medicine 265

Carla Nappi

22 Legal History 277

William P. Alford and Eric T. Schluessel

23 Ethnicity, Nationalism, and Identity in the Study of Modern China 290

Thomas S. Mullaney

24 The Religious Core of Local Social Organization 304

Barend J. ter Haar

25 Beyond the Great Divergence: Current Scholarship on the Economic History of Premodern China 315

Richard von Glahn

26 Taiwan: Margin, Center, Node 327

Shelley Rigger

27 Chinese Migrations 343

Henry S.N. Yu

28 China in the World: Beyond the Tribute System 360

John E. Wills, Jr.

Glossary of Selected Terms 372

References 378

Index 437

A Companion to Chinese History.pdf

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