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The Rise and Fall of a Public Debt Market in 16th-Century China
  发布时间: 2016-12-06   信息员:   浏览次数: 164
書名 / The Rise and Fall of a Public Debt Market in 16th-Century China   (已閱:131次)    [返回列表]
语言/ English
作者/ Wing-kin Puk
出版商 / Brill
版次 / 2016
ISBN / 9789004305731

內文頁數 / 202

About the Book

During the Ming dynasty (1368-1644), the government invited merchants to deliver grain in return for salt certificates with which merchants drew salt as reward. The salt certificate therefore represented a national debt, denominated in salt, the government thereby owed merchants. A speculative market of salt certificates was created in Yangzhou and brought into being powerful financiers in the early 17th century. The government, financially hard pressed, abolished the speculative market of salt certificates by franchising these financiers in return for their hereditary obligation to pay salt certificate surcharge. China was therefore deprived of a possibility to develop a public debt market. This story is a testimony to Fernand Braudel’s argument of the "nondevelopment" of Capitalism in China.

Biographical note

Wing-kin Puk, D.Phil. (Oxon), specializes in the socio-economic history of later imperial China. He is also interested in institutional history, historical comparison and military history. Currently he teaches in the Department of History, Chinese University of Hong Kong.


The Early Ming
Grain, Salt, and Silver
The Lianghuai Salt Syndicate
Salt Merchants in Yangzhou: Migration and Social Mobility
Salt Syndicate and Salt Merchants
Glossary and Index

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