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Professor Robert Bickers _Discovering history in historical photographs of China
  发布时间: 2013-11-28   信息员:   浏览次数: 1246


Local Documents Lecture Series 33th


Title: Discovering history in historical photographs of China 在中國歷史照片中發現歷史


Robert Bickers (毕可思), Professor of History, University of Bristol


Language: Mandarin


Chair: Professor Zhang Kan 張侃


Location: Room 202-1, Nanguang 1


Date: Saturday, November 30, 15:00



         This talk will introduce the 'Historical Photographs of China Project' at the University of Bristol, which was established in 2006. As well as discussing the aims and methods of the project, and introducing some of the major collections, the talk will discuss some ways of using the material.


         Robert Bickers is Professor of History at the University of Bristol. He was awarded his PhD at the School of Oriental and African Studies, London University, and held a Postdoctoral Research Fellowship at Oxford University. He is the author of three books, Britain in China: Community, Culture and Colonialism, 1900-49 (1999); Empire Made Me: An Englishman Adrift in Shanghai (2003) (published in Chinese translation as 帝国造就了我 一个英国人在旧上海的往史 (2012)), and The Scramble for China: Foreign devils in the Qing Empire, 1832-1914 (2011). He has led various research projects, including one on the Chinese Maritime Customs, and is Director of the British Inter-University China Centre 英国跨大学中国研究中心, a collaboration between the Universities of Bristol, Manchester and Oxford.



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