梁勇_《移民、善堂與地方權力結構——以清代巴縣至善堂為例》,發表于《西華師範大學學報》(哲學社會科學版)2013年第3期 移民、善堂與地方權力結構——以清代巴縣至善堂為例 Immigration, Charity Halls and Local Power Structures: A case study of Zhishan Hall in Ba County in the Qing Dynasty 梁勇 (西南政法大學馬克思主義學院歷史學研究所) 【內容提要】 清代的巴縣是以移民與移民後裔為主的城市。善堂在地方社會中不僅扮演著移民團體自我救濟、互相幫助的角色,同時也是移民團體擴大在地方社會中影響力的有力方式。透過善堂,移民商人找到了進入地方權力網路的路徑。本文通過對清代巴縣至善堂的考察,力圖揭示出善堂在移民商人與地方社會中的仲介作用。同時,也勾勒出善堂在移民為主體的地方社會中的獨特運行模式。 【關鍵詞】 八省客長、至善堂、地方權力結構、《巴縣檔案》 During the Qing Dynasty, Ba County was mainly composed of immigrants and their descendants. During that time, charity halls not only played the function of self relief and mutual aid, but also became one of the powerful ways which immigration communities expanded their influences. Through Charity Halls, immigration merchants found a point of access into the local power networks. In an attempt to reveal the intermediary role of charity halls between immigration merchants and local society, this article investigates Zhishantang, a Charity Hall in Ba County during the Qing. This article also outlines the unique operation pattern of charity halls in local societies dominated by immigrants. 梁勇_《移民、善堂與地方權力結構——以清代巴縣至善堂為例》.pdf