No.711, 7th Floor, East Guanghua Tower, Fudan University
“長時程視野下的華人移民與邊境擴張” 復旦大學中國文明國際研究中心
“The Chinese Migration and Expansion to Its Borderlands in the Longue Duree” International Center for Studies of Chinese Civilization, Fudan University
Each presenter will present for about 20 minutes followed by comments from the discussant (10-15 minutes) and floor discussion. 每位报告人有20分钟的报告时间,之后由评论人进行评论,并展开现场互动讨论(10-15分钟)。 10:00am-12:00pm Welcome speech Session I. China and Southeast Asia: longue duree comparisons Anthony Reid, Australian National University & Wissenschaftskolleg zu Berlin “China and Southeast Asia: Boundaries and Entanglements” 董少新, 复旦大学 “西域与南海的异与同” 科大卫, 贺喜; 香港中文大学 “帝国扩张与浮生社会” 连瑞枝, 台湾交通大学 “帝國的邊陲:長時程裡的大理社會與邊境認同” discussant: 葛剑雄, 复旦大学 12.00-1:30pm Lunch 1:30-3:00pm Session II. Migrant activities at the imperial borders 温海清, 复旦大学 “元代云南地区的外来人群” 牛军凯, 中山大学 “越南莫氏复国活动与中国边民” 白斌, 宁波大学 “漁業組織與海洋秩序——以民國時期中國浙江海洋漁業組織為中心的考察” “Fishery Organization and Ocean Order: Marine Fishery Organization (MFO) of Zhejiang during Republic of China” discussant: 王振忠, 复旦大学 3.00-3:15pm Coffee break 3:15-4:45pm Session III. Migrant activities overseas Kwee Hui Kian, University of Toronto “Chinese Mobility and Economic Expansion Overseas” 蔡志祥, 香港中文大学 国家、族群与十九世纪以来新加坡的天后-妈祖信仰 郑莉, 厦门大学 “東南亞華人的同鄉同業傳統——馬來西亞芙蓉坡的例證” discussant: 科大卫, 香港中文大学 4:45-5:30pm Roundtable discussion
6pm Departure to dinner venue