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The Examination Culture in Imperial China
  发布时间: 2018-04-22   信息员:   浏览次数: 306

The Examination Culture in Imperial China


Author: Liu Haifeng

Main Translator: Yu Weihua

Publisher:Paths International Ltd

ISBN: 978-1-84464-482-7

Hardback-320 Pages

Date:January 2018




Chapter 1 Centurial Anniversary of Abolition of the Imperial Examination System

1.1 Centurial Anniversary of Abolition of the Imperial Examination System

1.2 Rehabilitating the Imperial Examination System

1.3 Reevaluating the Imperial Examination System

1.4 Ending the Era of Blind Criticism of the Imperial Examination System

1.5 Clearing the Name for the Imperial Examination System

1.6 Abolition of the Imperial Examination System and Cultural Conflicts

Chapter 2 Gains and Losses of Imperial Examinations

2.1 Relationship between Ancient Chinese Academy and Imperial Examination

2.2 Double-edged Sword: Merits and Demerits of Imperial Examinations

2.3 The Development Laws of Imperial Examinations

2.4 Selection of Able Men and True Talents

2.5 The Nature of Imperial Examinations as Intelligence Tests

2.6 The Acceptance of Imperial Degrees

Chapter 3 Influence of the Imperial Examination System

3.1 The Influence of the Imperial Examination System on Chinese Culture

3.2 Imperial Examination Literature and Study of Imperial Examination

3.3 The Cultural Circle of Imperial Examination in East Asia

3.4 The Influence of the Chinese Imperial Examination System on Japan, Korea and Vietnam

3.5 The Influence of Imperial Examination System on Western Examination System

3.6 Imperial Examination—China’s Fifth Great Invention

Chapter 4 Formation of Imperial Examination Study

4.1 Historical Development of the Implication of Imperial Examination Study

4.2 Study of Imperial Examination—A Notable Discipline in the 21st Century

4.3 Study of Imperial Examination—an Ancient but Brand-new Discipline

4.4 Study of Imperial Examination and Educational Examination Reform

4.5 Literature and Study of Imperial Examination

4.6 “Policy Study” and Study of Imperial Examination


About the Author:

Liu Haifeng, born in Fujian Province of China, was admitted as a BA into Department of History, Xiamen University in 1977. Upon his completion of his postgraduate study, he started his work in the Institute of Higher Education, Xiamen University. He finished his part-time PhD program in 1988, and became a Professor in 1992 and PhD supervisor in 1994. In 2000, he was appointed Director of Higher Educational Development Research Center in Xiamen University (Humanities and Social Science Research Base of the Ministry of Education). He is currently Dean of Xiamen University Institute of Education Research, Director of Educational Research Center for Educational Assessment as well as a member of National Education Consultative/Advisory Committee and Academic Degrees Committee of the State Council. He has already published 19 books among which are Study Of Imperial Examination, Reform of College Entrance Examination System in China, Educational Perspective of Imperial Examination, Imperial Examination System and the Study of Imperial Examination, and History of Chinese Imperial Examination. Besides, over 200 theses have been published by the author on magazines like Social Science in China, Historical Research and Education Research. He has won 6 ministry level and provincial research awards which include the first prize Award for Research Achievements in Humanities and Social Science by the Education Ministry. In 2005, he was nominated by Sina as one of “ Chinese Cultural Figures of the Year.”

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