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Ritual Alliances of the Putian Plain. Volume One
  发布时间: 2016-09-01   信息员:   浏览次数: 333

Ritual Alliances of the Putian Plain. Volume One

Historical Introduction to the Return of the Gods

Authors:Kenneth Dean and Zhenman ZHENG

Publisher BrillDecember 2009



Making ingenious use of a wide variety of sources, and old as well as modern technical resources, Kenneth Dean and Zheng Zhenman here set a new standard for an histoire totale for a coherently well-defined cultural region in China. At the same time it deals in-depth with the ongoing negotiation of modernity in Chinese village rituals.

Over the past thirty years, local popular religion has been revived and re-invented in the villages of the irrigated alluvial plain of Putian, Fujian, China. Volume 1 provides a historical introduction to the formation of 153 regional ritual alliances made up of 724 villages. Early popular cults, Ming lineages, Qing multi-village alliances, late Qing spirit-medium associations, 20th century state attacks on local religion, and the role of Overseas Chinese and local communities in rebuilding the temple networks are discussed.


Preliminary Material

Chapter One. Introduction: The Survey And Its Main Findings

Chapter Two. Definitions Of Religion In China

Chapter Three. Historical Overview

Chapter Four. Contemporary Ritual Events In The Putian Plains: The Ritual Event

Chapter Five. Ritual Specialists

Chapter Six. Gods And Cults

Chapter Seven. Temples, Monasteries And Processions

Chapter Eight. Lineage And Territorial Connections

Chapter Nine. Transnational Networks

Chapter Ten. Conclusions: Ritual And Modernity

Lineage And Religion On The Putian Plains: An Analysis Based On Stone Inscriptions

Appendix One. Legends Of The Main Surnames Of The Putian Plain (Based On The Account In Zhang Qin’s Putian Xianzhi)

Appendix Two. A Recently Carved Stone Inscription From Shiting, Putian



Index Of Key Terms, Proper Names, And Place Names



Ritual Alliances of the Putian Plain, Volume 1_ Historical Introduction to the Return of the Gods (2009, BRILL).pdf

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