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The Path to Sun Village: Gods, Ghosts, and People in a Post-Revolutionary Society
  发布时间: 2018-03-08   信息员:   浏览次数: 171

The Path to Sun Village: Gods, Ghosts, and People in a Post-Revolutionary Society


Author:Chongqing Wu

Translator:Matthew A. Hale

Publisher: Brill10 July 2017


About the book

This book is a product of over ten years of work. It addresses intermarriage circles, transformations of customs, the rise and fall supernatural forces, power relations among gods, ghosts and people in “synchronic communities,” and tongxiangtongye (same hometown, same industry) economies based on rural sociocultural networks in the author’s native Sun Village in Putian. The author explores the details of microhistory by examining changes and continuities in everyday life to show the grand through the minute. This exciting book possesses important theoretical significance, including reflections on binary frameworks such as state vs. society and tradition vs. modernity or revolution, along with new arguments about commonly used concepts such as “the cultural nexus of power” and “the hollowing-out of the rural.”

Biographical  note

Wu Chongqing, Ph.D. (1991), Sun Yat-sen University, is Professor in the Department of Philosophy at that university,Director of South China Rural Research Centre, and Editor-in-Chief of Open Times. He has edited Mapping China: Peasants, Migrant Workers and InformalLabor (Brill, 2016).

Table of contents

Preface:A Village Path alongside China’s Highway of Development

List of Illustrations

1. Intermarriage Spheres and Affinal Networks

Part 1: Intermarriage Spheres: Social Change and the Expansion and Contraction of Intermarriage Regions

The Rural Social Space of Sun Village

The Situation of Intermarriage and Its Revisionof “Common Sense”

Why the Distance of Intermarriage is Shrinking

Part 2: Affinal Networks: Continuity andTransformation in the Conventions of Marriage and Affinal Relations

Old Conventions in the Mao Era: ProtectingTraditional Core Values of Marriage and the Family

Walking Rites”: The Goodness of Uniting Two Surnames

Changing Conventions in the “Era of Black Marriages”and Thereafter

Conclusion: From “Many Branches”to “Deep Roots”

2. The Realms of Yin and Yang

Part 1: Synchronic Communities: Gods,Ghosts, and People in a Post-revolutionary Era

From the Imperial to the Post-revolutionary Era

We are Both Wretched Vagabonds in a Strange Land”

Fallen to the Earth and Crushed to Dust, Onlythe Fragrance Remains”

When the Boundary between Yin and Yang isBreached: The Persistence of Affective Bonds between Ghosts and the Living

Synchronic Communities

Appendix to Part 1 of Chapter 2

part 2: Efficacy Depending on Faith: TheScope and Cycles of Tongji Power

The Vast Distance between Heaven and the Living

My Identity as a Woman”

Preference for Secular over SupernaturalDecision-Making

The Authority of Each Medium Lasts Two or ThreeYears

Part 3: Pretending that Gods Exist:Relations between People and Gods in Collective Rituals

Block Divination

Yuanxiao at Yongjin Temple

Welcoming the Gods

Going Out to Run around the Territory”

Running Across the Arena”and “Calming Down to Dismount”

Selecting the Next Year’s Ritual Heads”

Distributing “Boy Biscuits”

The Utilitarianization of Supernatural Relationsin Collective Rituals

Part 4: A Thin Interface: The “Balanced Rationality”among Gods, People, and Horses

Keeping Pace to Entertain Gods: From “Using Horses for Work”to “Using Horses for Ritual”

The Tracks of a Thousand Troops and Ten ThousandHorses: “Horse Agents”and “Horse-Leaders”

In the Spring, Hooves Gallop Gaily:Horse-Leaders, Horse Markets, and Clients during Yuanxiao

Those on Horseback Cannot See the Situation onthe Ground: Horse-Leaders, Horses, and Gods

Society and Culture as Matrix

3 .Building Roads: “The Cultural Nexus of Power”

Accounting and the State

The Weakening of Popular Authority before 1949

Political Consolidation and the Resurgence ofReligious Authority (1949–1985)

The Interaction between Popular Authorities andState Brokers (1986 to the Present)

4. “Beyond the Boundary”: A Countermovement to the Hollowing-out ofRural China

Social Networks in a Peripheral Region

From Periphery to Center: The On-siteConcentration of Dajin Resources

Gaining the Upper Hand through Hometown-BasedEconomic Networks

The Mutual Activation of Rural Social Resourcesand Tongxiang Tongye Economy

A Countermovement against the “Hollowing-Out”of Rural China

Appendix: A Micro-History of Rural Society: Sun Village before and during theRevolutionary Period

i Livelihood

ii Epidemics

iii Clans

iv Water Resource Management

v “People’s Schools”

vi “Able-Bodied Men”

vii “Personages”

viii Modern Schools

ix Bandits

x Land Reform

xi “Fording the Famine”

xii The “Socialist Education”Campaign

xiii The Cultural Revolution



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