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Chinese History : A New Manual
  发布时间: 2016-12-06   信息员:   浏览次数: 1752
書名 / Chinese History : A New Manual   (已閱:1526次)    [返回列表]
主編 / Endymion Wilkinson
出版商 / Harvard University Press
版次 / January 2013
ISBN / 9780674067158

內文頁數 / 1148 pages

About this Book:
Endymion Wilkinson’s bestselling manual of Chinese history has long been an indispensable guide to all those interested in the civilization and history of China. In this latest edition, now in a bigger format, its scope has been dramatically enlarged by the addition of one million words of new text.
Twelve years in the making, the new manual introduces students to different types of transmitted, excavated, and artifactual sources from prehistory to the twentieth century. It also examines the context in which the sources were produced, preserved, and received, the problems of research and interpretation associated with them, and the best, most up-to-date secondary works. Because the writing of history has always played a central role in Chinese politics and culture, special attention is devoted to the strengths and weaknesses of Chinese historiography.
The new manual comprises fourteen book-length parts subdivided into a total of seventy-six chapters: Books 1–9 cover Language; People; Geography and the Environment; Governing and Educating; Ideas and Beliefs, Literature, and the Fine Arts; Agriculture, Food, and Drink; Technology and Science; Trade; and Historiography. Books 10–13 present primary and secondary sources chronologically by period. Book 14 is on historical bibliography. Electronic resources are covered throughout.

About the Author:
Endymion Wilkinson is a scholar and diplomat (European Union Ambassador to China, 1994–2001).

“Endymion Wilkinson has created an extremely useful navigational guide in English to the vast ocean of China’s long traditional civilization. Because of its many strong points it can be considered one of a kind, a unique work… There are numerous points that distinguish this manual as a work of the first rank, a collection that will be utilized and referenced by scholars for decades to come.”—Ronald Suleski, China Review International
“The content of this book is extremely rich… One has to admire the effort and ability the author has shown in tracing down some of the obscure publications from less well-known publishers… This book will doubtless become the essential buyers’ guide for every librarian of sinology for months to come!”—Wang Tao, Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society

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