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Literacy and Literacies:Multi-disciplinary Perspectives
  发布时间: 2015-09-30   信息员:   浏览次数: 565

Key Topics in the Social andCultural History:

Literacy and Literacies:Multi-disciplinary Perspectives (Fall 2015)


 Liu Yonghua


Part I: Theories

01.Goody, Jack and Ian Watt. “The Consequences of Literacy.” Comparative Studies in Society and History 5.3 (Apr., 1963):304-345.

02.Goody, Jack. “What’s in a List?” In Jack Goody, The Domestication of the Savage Mind, 74-111. Cambridge: CambridgeUniversity Press, 1977.

03.Goody, Jack. “The Word of Mammon.” In Jack Goody, The Logic of Writing and the Organization of Society, 45-86.Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1986.

04.Ong, Walter J. Orality and Literacy: TheTechnologizing of the World, 31-116. London and New York: Methuen, 1982. 沃尔特·翁:《口语文化与书面文化:语词的技术化》。何道宽译。北京:北京大学出版社,2008[1982]年,第23-88页。

05.Heath, S. B. Ways with Words: Language,Life, and Work in Communities and Classrooms, 190-235. New York: CambridgeUniversity Press, 1983.

06.Street, Brian. “Literacy in Theory and Practice.” In Brian Street, Literacy in Theory and Practice,129-180. New York: Cambridge University Press, 1984.

07.de Certeau, Michel. “Uses of Language.” In Michel de Certeau, The Practice of Everyday Life, 131-176.Trans. Steven Rendall. Berkeley and Los Angeles: University of CaliforniaPress, 1988 [1984]. 米歇尔·德·塞托:《日常生活实践1:实践的艺术》。第二版。方琳琳、黄春柳译。南京:南京大学出版社,2015年。


Part II: HistoricalStudies

08.Thomas, Rosalind. “Writing, Reading, Public and Private ‘Literacies’:Functional Literacy and Democratic Literacy in Greece.” In William A. Johnsonand Holt N. Parker, eds., AncientLiteracies: The Culture of Reading in Greece and Rome, 13-45. Oxford:Oxford University Press, 2009.

09.Clanchy, M. T. From Memory to WrittenRecord: England, 1066-1307, 46-82. Third Edition. Chichester, Eng.:Wiley-Blackwell, 2013.

10.Cressy, David. Literacy and the SocialOrder: Reading and Writing in Tudor and Stuart England, 19-61. Cambridge:Cambridge University Press, 1980.

11.Stone, Lawrence. “Literacy and Education in England, 1640-1900.” Past and Present 42 (1969): 69-139.

12.Furet, François and Jacques Ozouf. “Introduction”, “The Spread of Literacy inFrance: A One-way Ride.” In François Furet and Jacques Ozouf, Reading and Writing: Literacy in France fromCalvin to Jules Ferry, 1-4, 5-57. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1982.

13.Rubinger, Richard. “Literacy in Early Tokugawa Village”, “Signatures, Ciphers,and Seals”, “The Expansion of Popular Literacy in the Nineteenth Century”. InRichard Rubinger, Popular Literacy inEarly Modern Japan, 9-43, 44-79. Honolulu: University of Hawai’i Press,2007.


Reference Book

Collins, James and Richard K. Blot. Literacyand Literacies: Texts, Power, and Identity. Cambridge: Cambridge UniversityPress, 2003.


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