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Topics in Western Social and Cultural History(2013):Time
  发布时间: 2013-10-10   信息员:   浏览次数: 934

                 Topics in Western Social and Cultural History(2013):
                                               Instructor: Prof. Liu Yonghua

I. Key Concepts and Approaches 基本概念与理论
01. Munn, Nancy D. “The Cultural Anthropology of Time: A Critical Essay.” Annual Review of Anthropology, Vol. 21 (1992), pp. 93-123.

II. Perception of Time 时间感知
02. Allen, Danielle S. “The Flux of Time in Ancient Greece.” Daedalus, Spring 2003, pp. 62-71.

03. Le Goff, Jacques. “Merchant’s Time and Church’s Time in the Middle Ages.” In Jacques Le Goff, Time, Work, and Culture in the Middle Ages, trans. Arthur Goldhammer, Chicago: Univ. of Chicago Press, 1980, pp. 29-42.

04. Kern, Stephen. “The Nature of Time.” In Stephen Kern, The Culture of Time and Space, 1880-1918, Cambridge, MA.: Harvard University Press, 1983, pp. 10-35.

III. Division of Time, Politics of Time 时间的分割,时间的政治
05. Zerubavel, Eviatar. “The Schedule.” In Eviatar Zerubavel, Hidden Rhythms: Schedules and Calendars in Social Life, Berkeley and Los Angeles: University of California Press, 1981, pp. 31-69.

06. Zerubavel, Eviatar. “Calendar.” In Eviatar Zerubavel, Hidden Rhythms: Schedules and Calendars in Social Life, Berkeley and Los Angeles: University of California Press, 1981, pp. 70-100.

07. 奥祖夫:“节日与时间”。奥祖夫:《革命节日》,北京:商务印书馆,2012年,第227-280页。

IV. Chronology and History 纪年与历史
08. Grafton, Anthony. “Dating History: The Renaissance & the Reformation of Chronology.” Daedalus, Spring 2003, pp. 74-85.

09. Wilson, George Macklin. “Time and History in Japan.” American Historical Review, 85.3 (Jun., 1980), pp. 557-571.

V. Time in Society 时间与社会
10. 汤普森:“时间、工作纪律与工业资本主义”。汤普森:《共有的习惯》,上海:上海人民出版社,2002年,第382-442页。

11. Corbin, Alan. “The Daily Arithmetic of the Nineteenth Century.” In Alan Corbin, Time, Desire and Honor: Towards a History of the Senses, trans. Jean Birrell, Cambridge: Polity, 1995, pp. 1-12.

12. 奥维•洛夫格伦、乔纳森•弗雷克曼:“拥有时间的人”。奥维•洛夫格伦、乔纳森•弗雷克曼:《美好生活:中产阶级生活史》,赵丙祥、罗扬等译,北京:北京大学出版社,2011年,第11-33页。

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